Stage Four & Five of the Sunbelt Selling Process: Negotiation, Due Diligence, and Closing
These are the final stages of selling your business through Sunbelt Business Brokers, and is where the process simultaneously becomes more exciting and possibly challenging now that you’re dealing with money on the table. Once through these stages, your business will be another of Sunbelt of Florida’s many successful Done Deals.
Your Sunbelt intermediary’s focus here is to manage the buyer’s expectations throughout the negotiation process, which is perhaps the most difficult and critical part of the selling process. You and the buyer have similar goals, getting the best value for your respective sale and purchase.
All negotiations are handled exclusively by your Sunbelt intermediary to ensure likelihood of success.
In most negotiations, there is an ongoing relationship between a buyer and a seller to maintain communication of information and prevent important details from slipping through the cracks. This makes it essential for a business broker to maintain a positive relationship between the seller and buyer to agree on an outcome that benefits both sides. Your Sunbelt intermediary is trained to manage both sides and navigate the emotional challenges that arise with such a significant decision.
Sunbelt prepares the offer with an Asset Purchase Agreement before we present it to you.
To make the selling process as easy as possible, Sunbelt doesn’t use an LOI (Letter of Intent) to present offers because they can cause misunderstandings between buyers and sellers. Instead, Sunbelt uses an Asset Purchase Agreement to lay out all the terms, conditions, and contingencies associated with the purchase. This removes the messiness of an LOI because small changes in terms, rates, and other considerations can significantly impact the viability of an offer.
Your Sunbelt intermediary manages the due diligence process.
Throughout negotiation, Sunbelt will work closely with the buyer’s lawyers, accountants, and financial advisors. To stay on top of cross-functional communications and the transfer of paperwork, Sunbelt uses the latest technology to track uploads and review information in a data room that has bank-level security.
At Sunbelt Business Brokers, we take our core values seriously and are committed to treating our customers the way we would want to be treated with respect, forthrightness and transparency and deliver the utmost excellence to our customers through the highest value and profit possible.
Once a deal is secured, your Sunbelt intermediary will finalize closing
The final stage to sell your business is closing, but before you celebrate your Sunbelt intermediary needs to close all remaining doors to finalize the sale. Closing can be prone to delays without an experienced broker at the helm of the process, but your Sunbelt intermediary will keep both your and the buyer’s lawyers and advisors in touch throughout, making for a smooth conclusion.
Sunbelt Business Brokers sells more business than anyone else in the world. We offer custom deal structures, dedicated financial advisors, and compelling marketing assets that get our clients the best price for their business. Contact Sunbelt Business Brokers of Naples for a free valuation & consultation.